Pain Acceptance Scale (PAS)
The patient was administered the Pain Acceptance Scale (PAS)to evaluate his/her level of pain acceptance. Preliminary studies suggest that this construct is associated with higher levels of patient adjustment and lower levels of overall disability.
The PAS is used with medical patients whose primary complaint is persistent, nonmalignant pain associated with emotional and behavioral debilitation (e.g., chronic lumbar pain). Patients must be able to read and understand English at the 7th to 8th grade reading level. Patients also need to be cognitively intact, have sufficient stamina and concentration, and capable of making simple pencil marks, of which the latter may not be required if the test is read to them.
The Pain Acceptance Scale (PAS) is a brief measure of pain acceptance.
Level II Requirements
The Pain Acceptance Scale (PAS) measures three factors of pain acceptance: Coping Strength (CS) quantifies the patient's efficacy beliefs for moving forward with the challenges of life despite pain; Reconciliation assesses the patient's acceptance of the permanence and inevitability of pain; Pain Tolerance evaluates the patient’s beliefs of pain tolerance. The Total PAS score is the mean value of the three PAS scales. Higher scale scores and Total PAS score indicates a greater amount of pain acceptance.
Pain acceptance is associated with a patient’s mood, other pain beliefs, psychological distress, activity level, and overall adjustment.